Wow! I can't even express how satisfying this internship is! Thursday we co-hosted an event with the Intercultural Team and their Valentines Craft Night. It was super successful and there was a huge turnout of both International students as well as American students. I got a group of my friends to come along and to say that they loved it is a complete understatement. They were ecstatic about the interactions that they had with people that they normally wouldn't be sitting down and talking to. We spent a good hour teaching our new friends to make Valentines Day cards, eating way too may cookies, and trying to guess the character that was stuck onto our back. I finally found mine after a ton of laughs. Partnering with another event really helps our numbers and through these other events we can publicize our individual IEP events to the International and American students that show up. Because these events are already funded and set up in high traffic areas, it is easy to get a lot of attendance. My friends can not wait until our next event and are so excited to start making new connections this way. This weeks event was an overall success and I am so happy that I got to be a part of it.